Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I've stopped drinking.

Happy April Fool's Day, bitches. 
I bet you saw that coming. As the former Manchester United football player, George Best, said best...
"I've stopped drinking, but only while I sleep." 

It doesn't make me an alcoholic. Just a clarification. 

Today, I forgot my ipod at home and my golly gosh(yes, i can get away with saying it) I almost died. It really is unhealthy when you need your ipod that much. I had least...the world would work with me a bit. Perhaps having someone next to me play their ipods really loudly--which is often the case usually, alas not when I need them to. Anyway I really can't imagine anyone that would play the music I like--indie/alternative, etc--that loud. DeathCab in eardrum-popping decibels. MAGICAL. (I mention DeathCab bc I have been listening to them EVERYDAY, inspired by my watching re-runs of the OC on SoapNet. NO JUDGMENTS, PLEASE.) 

Also, is it weird that whenever I see a sentence start with "Today," I expect it to end in "FML"? I was just looking at the first sentence in the previous paragraph. FML culture. 

Oh, mind you, I wrote this whole blog on my blackberry notes application while underground on the subway (which is the reason why this post is a little disorganized...) Technology has really taken hold of my life. 

This weekend, after Relay-for-Life, I vow to take it "back to basics." Christina Aguiliera-style. Ugh, wow, forgive me for such a lame joke. Anyway, yes! BASICS! I plan to continue reading Charles Kindleberger's Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crisis. I've been reading it for the past two months. What a disgrace. I also need to write my Monetary Economics paper--making the case for a "bad bank" structure and the nationalization of banks. Really, I'm a little excited. I've been reading nauseous amounts of Financial Times articles and editorials. <3

SHAKESHACK and TOPSHOP SOHO opening tomorrow. I am shitastically excited. 

Listening to: The Ice Is Getting Thinner-Death Cab for Cutie

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