Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Favorite Store. Officially.

I had always thought that when I was ready to deem a store my favorite store, it would be a clothing store--whether it be a department store or boutique. Beautiful clothes has always been my picker-upper. I guess it still is in most cases. Unless, it is a store that reminds me of all the clothes I cannot afford currently. Damn you, recession. 

Or maybe my favorite store could have been a store whose proceeds went to a cause (Housing Works, New York Opera House Thrift Store on 23rd st, etc.). Vintage stores do always help pass the time, as I have SEVEN hours to wait to meet everyone at Arctica on Thursdays. 

But, surprisingly, I am giddy to announce that my favorite store is 

Beyond any store of its kind. Damn right. 
In the most dorky way, I spent what seemed like the whole day there. What else would one do on a rainy Sunday?

I fell in love. 
Mind you, I have been there before, but I never truly appreciated all the gizmos that it sold. From closet organizers to STEAMERS!!! (I finally got a steamer, which means I might never iron my clothes again. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I am usually way to lazy in the morning to unwrap the cords of the iron, get out the iron board, put some water in the iron, then rewrap the I just pretend I am wearing something a la Alexander Wang and it is totally okay that I look grudge. You love my reasoning.) to this travel sleep sack--"security of clean, fresh sheets when you travel with a built-in poket for a bed pillow" (Ingenious. I really wish I had bought this BEFORE my eurotrip, but I bought it today anyway--for the future.) to everything to make your apartment look chic, or homey, or minimalist or however you want to decorate it. 

Today's trip to Bed, Bath and Beyond--I'm secretly thinking about the episode of Will and Grace where they were remodeling the bathroom and Will jokes that he found everything he needed in "Beyond." corny humor. which i love--really was motivating. I need to organize my life, room, etc. I also found inspiration of a lot of DYI projects that I could do. 

An semi-epiphany courtesy of my favorite store. 

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