Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Apparently "Bosh" means "Yes" in the world of one James France--from CS London. And I really like how it sounds, so I'm giving him some credit, and adapting it. 

... GOSH (harhar?), here I am totally missing the international CS kids who had been training in  New York. This is withdrawal. This reminds me of the days following those good old days of AIESEC conferences where I sat in my room, missing doing those ridiculous AIESEC dances, sharing outrageous stories...and regretting some things...that happened while under the influence. HA. But, this withdrawal, I have to admit, is a hundred times worse...given I spent 5 weeks with these international kids, and not just one....and that...we went out every night on my home turf...and that these international kids were just SO AMAZING--and very much on my wavelength. (not comparing AIESEC kids to these CS kids...i love them both...for very different reasons...) 

Getting to the office early in the morning when being out till the wee hours...and still managing to totally kick ass on the job. Hangovers had nothing on us. Oh, epic.

I really can't express into words how much I miss them. 
...even with the last week of drama.

So, now I'm planning another trip to London. 
because being a responsible addict, i will save up until i can afford my addiction. 
London + CS London kids + Kuan + Kuan's lattes, see you in November. 

Sunday, July 26, 2009

401 que pasa

haha, I hope you understood that VERY CORNY joke in the title

That is just a middle finger to being an adult. Being in the real world doesn't mean I can't be corny. 

So, training is over. And my first REAL JOB work week is dawning. HOLY MOLY. I'm a little nervous--but my manager is out of office until Thursday so I'll be shadowing the others in the group so I'm pretty sure it won't be so bad...and I'll get out by 5 nearly every day. Happy Hour anybody?

That's what the old June would say. 

The new June, on the other hand....says...I'm starting to study for the GMATs tomorrow so I'll be only going out on weekends. 

The new June also realizes that she has to get her 401k, Roth IRA, etc shit in order and promises to that as well.

Oh, wish this new June good luck on these responsibilities. and being an adult...in this REAL WORLD. yikes. 

Can't I just be a Toys-r-us kid...that eats Trix....

Thursday, July 9, 2009

NYC, i love you so.

In London, I realized my love for NYC...actually...my UNHEALTHY love for NYC. 

Most of you know, I love London. I love the vibe--the more care-free, yet sophisticated aura. I love the fashion sense: never in NYC have I met a man dressed to the nines, in an ivory suit, pink dress shirt and ivory hat. very British. (he was obviously drinking Pimm's!) I adore being able to drink in PARKS! and the list goes on...

But, during my 10 days in my beloved London, I missed my home sweet home. There are things that I just take for granted--24 hour public transportation, yellow cabs, and stores staying open late, especially during the summer. So when I had to wait for the nightbus, because the tube stops working at midnight, I wished I were in NYC, hailing a yellow cab. 

So, today, I spent my day in the city--what is more New York than a Spa day followed by some shopping on 5th ave? And as I walked along 5th ave, dropping by Bendels (missing the Carebear SOOOO MUCH!), I felt justified in my love for New York. 

This is my home. And I can love it as much as I want to. 

LOVE AFFAIR WITH NYC, please do not disturb. 

(seriously, I don't want to seem too dramatic about not being able to live anywhere but NYC, but it's really true. BUT....i do love london ...to visit.) 

Thursday, June 25, 2009

In London, back soon.

I'll write a post soon.
I'm living, loving London too much!

I leave you with this:
Me: What are you wearing tomorrow?
Kuan: Something fantastic.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Shopping is pretty serious business.

First of all, I had an excellent birthday. Thanks to all that wished me such wonderful things. You guys are such sweethearts. I, shockingly to many, spent it with just family--eating at Tournesol, my favorite French restaurant in NYC. Even though they changed their menu a bit since I've last been there. I miss the fried, breaded goat cheese on a bed of corn and beets--instead, now it comes with endives and walnuts. Not thhhatt tragic. But I warn you all. Be ready for the festivities going down this weekend.  

Inebriation. Surely. Lost of dignity. Definitely. 

Secondly, I cannot get over how much I love Allison Siminovsky. Who else would Google-Map our sample sale shopping extravaganza? 

View Shopping 18.6.09 in a larger map


oh, ps. LONDON on MONDAY. 

Friday, June 12, 2009

A little more LOVE, a little less HATE

Apparently, Alexa Chung spoke to Garance Dore about her love/hate relationship with Chanel.
How can one even hate Chanel? How?!

Everything about Chanel says love. 
Love. Love. LOVE. 

ps- I love/hate Alexa Chung. Tho, I only hate her because she is too perfect. Her effortless style. Her dating Alex Turner from the Arctic Monkeys (if you know me at all, you know they are my favorite band, and I once bid over $200 on Ebay to see them in London. Unfortunately, I still didn't win those tickets--damn, exchange rate!) Her designer clothes. And from what I gather in interviews and blogs...she sounds like a genuinely funny girl. 
It's not fair. 

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Coral--now that's what's up.

French personality, Alexandra Golovanoff in Gucci. This is impeccable color coordination. 
Loud, but ideal. 

Biker jacket, floral pants, gladiator heels. 

Way-farers. Flirty summery dress. Statement jewelry.
Can you go wrong?!

The mixture of the texture
and how she's posing for the picture
my eyes are a' fixture
(sad attempt to be cool. i might never be a G. tear.) 
but fo'serious, mad props for the different textures. trust me, its REALLY hard to do. 
especially the choice of textures in the photograph above. 
oh, and can we talk about how much of a Blake Lively look-alike this girl is? 
Whether that's a compliment or a diss...let's just leave that up in the air...

(pictures: altamira, lookbook, lookbook, lookbook)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

make me a supermodel finale!

this past Weds. was the season finale of Make Me a Supermodel on Bravo. I would say it's my guilty pleasure...but I don't feel guilty at all for watching it. I have to admit, I was an avid watcher since I discovered it in March..

And usually, I have some problem with the winner on Bravo shows (Project Runway, Top Chef) --i.e. it wasn't who i expected, it wasn't who i wanted to win, etc.

But, this show really hit the mark.

I correctly guessed Branden would win, and I wholeheartedly agree in the judges decision.

Though I have to admit, Jonathan really did win some points from me by being British, and being so sweet-caring towards his wife and child...I, honestly, must have "awwwwed" like a zillion times during the finale. His son is SO cute. (and wife, not so pretty--but i refuse to be a homewrecker...so whattttevs..that's his biznazz not mine.)

listening to: Clark Gable by The Postal Service. an ode to men we've fantasize about...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I'm back....

hey all, 
hope you've been well. these few weeks I've been busy stressing over finals...and once I was done with those devilish things...I had to face the overwhelming reality of graduation. YAY. I know I've been stressing about it previously, but now, I'm SO excited about the future. The world is our oyster. (Gag. Too mushy. I know.)

Realization: I love graduation parties. It's refreshing. And pretty hardcore. 

Plans for the summer: I'm stoked.
I'm headed to Europa soon...as soon as I get back my passport..(it's been taking way too long...ugh.)

San Fran (hopefully!) 

Then I start work at Credit Suisse July 10! Can't wait. 

picture from Jezebel via Getty. I just loved the outfit. I realize it is totally unrelated to my post. But, whatevsssss. Biel is hot. The outfit is ....perfect. 

Friday, May 15, 2009

a little old school...with the new cool kids.

WEEZER, covering MGMT and Lady Gaga. could it be any more perfect?!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A pick me up I needed.

Running on very little sleep. Spent the weekend writing 3 papers, studying for a final, AND preparing for a presentation...so right after the presentation today...i totally crashed. HUGE HEADACHE, which has been like the 5 time this month--I really should get that checked out...

Anyway, this picture pretty much made me very giddy. Me gusto Balenciaga. Mucho. 

OH, and I found (actually Karl drunkenly found) a chinese bakery on 23rd street between 2nd and 3rd ave. which appeal to my asian-ness. Bubble tea and chinese buns. They also have Roast Duck Sandwiches. I am so excited, no joke. (HOW CAN PEOPLE QUESTION MY ASIAN-NESS, I AM SOOOOOO ASIAN!) 


pic from Jak & Jill. 

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Being Productive...kinda

“ Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It’s not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; its when you had everything to do, and you’ve done it. ”
— Margaret Thatcher

In which case, today has been quite satisfying.

I really needed a day like this--to sit down and literally shit out papers. (mental images are nice, aren't they?) 

Oh, and the fun part is...I'm hardly done with everything.

2 Papers.
2 Env Labs.
1 Presentation.

I am going to go stare at the Delman pumps and Botkier bag I bought this week. They are my ray of sunshine! ...oh, things that keep me going...
Delma Sema in Black Satin

_5666049.jpgBotkier Sasha Medium in Sapphire

Tuesday, May 5, 2009



I can barely keep my eyes open ...because of my damn allergies.

But I can keep them open long enough to be obessed with this:

Elizabeth and James Drape Skirt


Marc Jacobs: "If you have five minutes free in New York, you're a failure. If you have five minutes free in Paris, you're a success."

Shit, damn. I'm going to be such a success...in Paris.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Firstly, HAPPY MAY! 
Just 28 days until the BEST MONTH, ever. just saying.
...which means 23 days (3 weeks-ish!!) until LONDON! 

Secondly, I have come to make a confession. I am officially selling things on EBAY. Gasp. This comes from my need for MOOOLAHHHH and my attempt to clean out my closet.  In my BELOVED shoe closet, I found shoes purchased a year or more ago that STILL haven't been worn, AT ALL. Case in point:

Stuart Weitzman Night Guipure Lace Slingbacks 
I really wish I had more occasions to wear these. Alas a year later, and totally UNTOUCHED. 
Story of half-my-closet.

I genuinely feel that my PROACTIVE stance to clean up my clutter is quite necessary as I close a chapter of my life and start a new one. 
...Eh, maybe.
More true to the heart, I just need more space for my shopping spree in Europe that is just around the corner. That is the logic and reasoning you've come to expect from me, no?

Can we pls fast forward to May 25th?
I'd appreciate it. 

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Kids will Dress like THIS.

Srsly, I don't know if I want to be the parent who put this straw hat, striped shirt, blazer, grey jeans, chucks outfit together, or the child who wears it...
PS- You have no idea how much I am LOVING the straw hat. 
{picture from the sartorialist}
I really hope that I DO NOT spoil my children and buy them Chanel at age 6 (this girl looks so young!). I'd like to think that I'd be more pragmatic. ...But if any of my friends should perchance be the next top designer or fashion editor...I guess that'll make my child the coolest kid on the block to be able to wear the loveliest clothes. 
Chanel with a scooter, beyond adorable. 
{pic creds: altamaria nyc}

Monday, April 27, 2009

... you don't need a purpose in life

Never mind that he failed to know very basic fashion trivia...
Who Mario Testino is?
The color sole of Christian Louboutins? SERIOUSLY EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW THIS. everyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 
Who Jason Wu is?

Let's just stop and cream at his accent. 
REALLY. I just did. 

As Robert Pante says, "If you look good and dress well, you don't need a purpose in life." 
But, srsly, I bet he doesn't know all this fashion trivia because he is so worldly and read books. 
A girl can cream. 
...I mean, dream. 

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Green Party: A night of free Brooklyn Brewery lager (organic beer drinking for a cause!); fashionable Way-farers-inspired shades; glow-stick headbands; and the usual ridiculous. 

We don't really need a reason to party, but if we did, this would be a good one. 

That's a HAWT line. (I promise to never say hawt again.)

Pola and Me, Euro-trip buddies Summer '09. LOVE!
Wearing: Lacoste polo, Theory jacket, neon green Replay belt, Ben Sherman jeans
I was bored that morning so I thought the neon green belt would intrigue.

A.Sam, with a reversible "tablecloth-pattern" jacket; and Pola, with her hippie-esque glam
Both rockin' glowstick bands (Is that what they call that?), in very different ways.
 Which do you like better: A.Sam's exaggerated necklace (more like bodylace) or Pola's headband?
P.S.: Peace signs make every outfit work wonders. Unless you're Asian. In which, stop being a FOB. (jk, i srsly wished i were more fobby at times.)

"Popped collar? what's going on here?" -Alex Smash
It wasn't intentional. 
This whole Green Party was quite spontaneous, sorry if I wasn't totally dressed the part.
Yes, I disappoint...rare, but it happens.. ahah. 
(Oh, fun fact: I use to dress really preppy. It made my parents happy. You will be amazed how many Lacoste/Ralph Lauren polos I have. I also have different color slacks from Brooks Brothers. Yeah, I used to shop at Brooks Brothers, and I liked it.)

My homeboys: the Pats. 

Richie Rich, Pat D, Pat W
A party isn't a party until Richie takes his shirt off. Yes, he trimmed. 

Ben, A.Sam, Pat D. 
I adore them. And their different styles that works for each of them respectively.

Listening to: I LOVE COLLEGE-Asher Roth

Pic credits: A.Sam's camera

Friday, April 24, 2009

Random: Baconnaise

bacon-flavor+mayonnaise, but vegetarian. 

It was featured on Oprah today, and I fell in love immediately.
Nearly holy..because it's also Kosher. 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Random: Credit Suisse

well done, CS.

none of which is my doing, but i'm glad that the likeliness of me keeping my offer is HIGH...and that I will NOT be in debt come July...Even if I will have already pre-spent my relocation bonus on my Euro-trip.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


"Every day should be Earth Day." pic from FeedYourInspiration@tumblr
Some thoughts:
1) Who knows good music? I know good music.
Remember how I was just RAVING and listening to Nothing to Worry About by Peter Bjorn & John on Monday...yeah, the Hills decided to open Monday's episode with that song. Seriously. I know good music--because anything they play on the Hills qualifies it as good music. Clearly.
2) East Japanese Restaurant on 3rd Ave and 27th street has closed.
Health violations.. Ali is probably thrilled. I, on the other hand, am disgusted yet devastated. I loved that place (my family eats at the various East restaurants around the city enough to pay for an "East card" ..for discounts.) There HAS TO BE another conveyor belt sushi place in Gramercy. Ugh.
3) My family really makes me laugh with their witty lines.
I had sent an email to my mom, my uncle, my aunt and some family friends (we are so close that they are practically family) giving them potential birthday gifts suggestions. I did not send my dad this email bc he never answers his email. Anyway, one of the suggestion was a leather Gucci bag that I want, alas cannot afford. The Gucci Chain Large Hobo Guccissima. It's not from the new season but it's simple and classic.
My mom's reply reads: "Why us? I should forward this to your beloved Daddy. He will take care of it."
my dad might kill me for even asking such a thing during a recession
My uncle's reply: "I think I bought something similar the last time I was in Burma. Will find it for you. Thanks for being so considerate"
knock-offs are just NOT the same. and making a wishlist is pretty freaking considerate
My aunt: "I thought there was no birthday presents after 21..."
where is this even written?
A family friend: "I already bought a present for you. A book called "Dhamma Talk" (about Buddhism). But I will rethink your choice"
i know material possessions are impermanent, but that's OKAY with me!
what sarcasm. LOVE THEM.
Listening to: July, July!- The Decemberists
Because June loves The Decemberists and is unpatiently waiting for July.

Monday, April 20, 2009

LookBook Gems

Lace and Power Shoulders.

Balmain-inspired jacket, harem pants and fringes. a compilation of the hottest fashion trends today. well-done. 

High-waisted, wide-legs: "paperbag pants" ...in white, mind you! so structurally beautiful! 

Because marginally different shades of grey works! note: amazing hat. 

white tights can DEFINITELY work! and a Chanel-inspired bag that isn't black is always refreshing. 

backless shirts are so hot. especially now that summer is coming soon (not soon enough...)

leather never looked so effortlessly chic. leather jacket, harem pants, studded boots.. too cool for school. 

i know they say the multiple chains look is soooooo 2 months ago, but i love it. 

big fan of effortless looks with the PERFECT accessory. case in point, this picture above. 

hippie-esque, and lovely. ethnic Indian-inspired(?) harems, with the most orgasmic criss-cross wedges. (really, need those shoes.) 

What gems. 

Listening to: Peter Bjorn & John's Nothing To Worry About 
oh, also check out their video on YouTube 
it really makes you smile. 

Sunday, April 19, 2009


This week-long reflection was really good for me. I am now having a quarter life crisis. Yeah, it's totally cool.


This weekend, on the picture perfect Saturday afternoon, walking in LES and Soho, even running into Richard Chai, fashion designer extraordinare in his white v-neck (Slavy, I am sorry for giving you such a hard time about YOUR white v-necks last year--you, my friend, are just too fashion forward, even for me...aha.) I met up with my friend Chris, just to catch up. Before yesterday, I hadn't seen him in years--which I think is a little ridiculous because Yale is only 2 hours away from NYC. Bah. Anyway, I've known him since the summer of 8th grade. We go way back...to CTY @ Johns Hopkins. Think about, that was 8 years ago, which brought on a realization that contributed to my crisis. TIME GOES BY SO FAST. Holy shit, it was a blink of an eye before high school was over (gosh, i loved Stuy.) and college was just around the corner. Another blink of an eye ...I am a month away from graduating college and starting my first real job. I am scared shitless. Don't get me wrong, I am so excited about Credit Suisse, but it's hard not to freak about what I want to do with my life and if I'd have enough time to do everything--and do it well.

Actually, I came across this quote that kinda PERFECTLY describes my quarter-fucking-life crisis:
"we human beings are conflicted beings. our beliefs don't always harmonize with our instincts, and our behavior doesn't always reflect our beliefs...we wage war between the person we are and the person we hope to become" -Brandon Mull
Can I lead the party girl life style while being a financier...
Can I party hard, jetset on weekends while saving money to buy an apartment (you know, the responsible thing to do) and donate money to the less fortunate...(http://www.poverty.com/)
Can I get totally smashed without it interfering with my Buddhist morale...(http://www.purifymind.com/BuddhismAlcohol.htm)

Basically, I am pretty sure despite the beautiful weather..I was a downer and seem so defeated. I am also pretty sure, I scared Chris. Sorry. But amid this quarter-life-crisis, I realized something from a quote I found while catching up on my week's worth of GoogleReader this weekend:
the greatest mistake you can make in life is to be constantly fearing you will make one.
Damn right.
So, c'est la vie.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I need an extension. I'll update soon, PROMISE, but for now, I'm really enjoying being a technology minimalist. It is also Burmese New Year--it's a week long celebration and time of reflection, so that is exactly what I've been doing. It is more of a Buddhist thing: more meditation and learning more about the religion (i have nightly sessions with my mom!) than getting drunk with festivities...which is so refreshing

One of my Burmese New Year resolutions was going to be to be a better Buddhist by drinking less alcohol. But considering I'm London, Paris, Barcelona, IBIZA bound in a month and a half...I don't think that would work. Though, I haven't drank in weeks--to enter the New Year with a clean slate. Not at the dinner party my parents hosted. Not in New Jersey the next night. THAT TOOK INNER STRENGTH. really. The Blue Label Johnny Walker was mocking me. So were the EXCELLENT wines. 

 I think my resolution will be to be a better daughter by being more considerate and grateful...and to meditate more. 

Happy Thingyan, my Burmese friends. 

Friday, April 10, 2009

3 R's: Rest. Reflect. Relax.

I have some blog posts to catch up on..But, this weekend..I'm taking it back to basics and just enjoying the weekend. My parents are hosting a dinner party on Friday so I've been helping out--getting everything organized etc. Thus, the lack of posts this week. Saturday, I'm planning on going to Jersey, catch up some reading in the backyard (hope the weather is nice!!) and hopefully, pencil in a session at the driving range sometime this weekend. Boy, do I miss golf. (I might miss the massage session after golfing more.) 

I'm on Spring Break, and unfortunately, unlike, EVERYONE else, I'm on a staycation. I'm really envious of my friends that went to Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas, PARIS!, etc. Ugh, I need to save up for Europe in June. But, I'm planning a day at the spa sometime next week. I really really really really need it. Random: On Weds, I went to Jean-Claude Biguine to get a haircut. I'm still undecided on whether or not I like the haircut. eh. Maybe I'll grow into it. 

Well, enjoy your weekend, loves. 

Friday, April 3, 2009


Thursday, April 2, the weather was beautiful: the sun was out, everyone left their winter coats at home, and everyone EVERYONE was just giddy. In Soho, getting out the Spring Street 6 train station, the giddiness was magnified, exponentially. There was a buzz in the air. A buzz more frenzied than an average day in Soho. Balthazar had a waiting line--at 4 pm. The swarms of people--tourists, fashionistas, and EVEN news stations made walking down Broadway to the newly open TOPSHOP SOHO nearly impossible. 

Once there, the line curled around Broome then Crosby was quite daunting. It was truly a calling to fashionistas everywhere. And I loved every second of it. Yet, I didn't even make it through the TOPSHOP doors. (love topshop, but i really don't do lines. they are surely the bane of my existence.)

Sure, I was disappointed that I did not get to see the inside of the awesomeness that is TopShop Soho--after all the excitement! Fashionista...or maybe NylonMag...described it worthy of "multiple orgasms." ...and I have only one response to that...promise?! ;)

And, I thought I was being so clever and calculated arriving there around 4:30. I sincerely expected all the fashionistas (there to catch a glimpse of Kate Moss) gone by then. (No offense.) Alas, I was sorely sorely mistaken. But to be honest, I really just went to see all the hype (shoe studio and good DJing!..and the free tote!). I had just read on a blog earlier in the day that most of the items there were priced as if the exchange rate was 2 to 1 (2 dollars to one pound). A dress that is 45 pounds in London would be 90 dollars in the store!  With today's exchange rate 1.48 dollars to a pound, it actually makes more sense to buy the items in  London, saving me roughly 23 dollars! (Thank you, my International Finance class..and every other class that has taught me about FX exposure..aka every finance class I've ever taken. And a big whoop whoop to the strong dollar.) Luckily, I'll be in London in less than 2 months, where I might very possibly buy everything in TopShop. 

My outfit that day: 

Listening to: Never Miss a Beat-Kaiser Chiefs

We can thank the Brits for great clothes and awesome music. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's always better when its 12 inches...

Heidi Klum in 12 inch Alexander McQueen heels. It would never be worn in real life. But, DAMNNNNN, are they hot. (Sorry the pictures are so crappy. pics via Splash.)

(for those minds in the gutters, insert porn reference here.)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I've stopped drinking.

Happy April Fool's Day, bitches. 
I bet you saw that coming. As the former Manchester United football player, George Best, said best...
"I've stopped drinking, but only while I sleep." 

It doesn't make me an alcoholic. Just a clarification. 

Today, I forgot my ipod at home and my golly gosh(yes, i can get away with saying it) I almost died. It really is unhealthy when you need your ipod that much. I had hoped..at least...the world would work with me a bit. Perhaps having someone next to me play their ipods really loudly--which is often the case usually, alas not when I need them to. Anyway I really can't imagine anyone that would play the music I like--indie/alternative, etc--that loud. DeathCab in eardrum-popping decibels. MAGICAL. (I mention DeathCab bc I have been listening to them EVERYDAY, inspired by my watching re-runs of the OC on SoapNet. NO JUDGMENTS, PLEASE.) 

Also, is it weird that whenever I see a sentence start with "Today," I expect it to end in "FML"? I was just looking at the first sentence in the previous paragraph. FML culture. 

Oh, mind you, I wrote this whole blog on my blackberry notes application while underground on the subway (which is the reason why this post is a little disorganized...) Technology has really taken hold of my life. 

This weekend, after Relay-for-Life, I vow to take it "back to basics." Christina Aguiliera-style. Ugh, wow, forgive me for such a lame joke. Anyway, yes! BASICS! I plan to continue reading Charles Kindleberger's Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crisis. I've been reading it for the past two months. What a disgrace. I also need to write my Monetary Economics paper--making the case for a "bad bank" structure and the nationalization of banks. Really, I'm a little excited. I've been reading nauseous amounts of Financial Times articles and editorials. <3

SHAKESHACK and TOPSHOP SOHO opening tomorrow. I am shitastically excited. 

Listening to: The Ice Is Getting Thinner-Death Cab for Cutie

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So much for following a trend...

Last year, I bought Tory Burch flats like every other women/girl in America. Okay, fine, I bought two. What a mistake.

For FLATS that were over $200, each, they fucking hurt. Now I'm kinda stuck with them because...damn, I paid $200 for them. Hm...I could Ebay them... (note to self: learn how to use ebay to sell things. Being a pro-buyer doesn't really cut it, i guess...)

I'm actually wearing the gold Quinn today, picture above--but in GOLD!, which I haven't worn in MONTHS. Now, I remember why. Oh, and I'm not even going to start on the Revas. In short, they make my feet feel bandaged--sure, I'm Asian...but isn't that a thing of the past? (I can make fun of that...I'm Asian.)

At least I don't have Uggs.

(Beautiful pain over hideous comfort, c-c-c-heck it.)

Now for...random thoughts of the day:

1) Gossip Girls last night:

Vanessa was just too late.
Blair and Nate.
Really, I think they should date
F'that, they should just mate.

Wow, I juse re-read what I just wrote. What eloquence.

2) I booked my ticket to LONDON. it's official. countdown: 2 months.

3) TOPSHOP opens in SOHO in 2 days. YAY!! (though, I'll probably save my money to shop in Europe. like last time. When I brought home 5 pairs of shoes, wellies, and 4 new coats/jackets. ...note to self....pack light on the way there...ORRRRRR I could just end up paying for another suitcase like last time. SO. EXCITED. FOR. EUROPE. )

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Let's "Roleplay."

Hosted by Brian Atwood, Byrdie Bell and Julia Restoin-Roifeld, this event was just a whos-who of those in the fashion world. Granted there weren't any celebrity here that most people would know, you know the A-listers, it was full of socialites, writers, and models. Even Dr. Lisa Airan, world class Upper East Side cosmetic dermatologist was in attendence. This took place on March 19, but I have been so busy with my best friends coming home for Spring Break to write about this LUSH event! But I had such a great time. It was possibly the best night I've had in a LONG time (ending up at Arctica after this event was the icing on the cake!)

Meeting Tim Blanks was possibly the HIGHLIGHT of my night. He is hilarious and JUST SO SO SWEET. he commented that I was the first June he's ever met and that he loved my name and me. I melted. I now have a full-fledged crush on him. I'm that easy. 

Seeing Timo Weiland--the brilliant up and coming designer. Before this event I hadn't seen him in nearly a year. His line of neckwear is taking off--it's appeared in NYLON and ElleUK! He also informed me that he'd be expanding to menswear and women's wear! Excited! Oh, and if you're green, he also has an eco-conscious wallets line! TIMO! Congrats! 

The ads placed on the walls around the space were SO SO SO seductive. It featured Atwood's Spring line with Rene Russo--from Thomas Crown Affair--wearing the decadent footwear in very sexy situations. I'm saving up money to buy Brian Atwood shoes to aspire to be that sultry. 

Some of the attendees: pictures from Style.com--because I forgot my camera. 

Zac malone and Genevieve Jones...(ps. I am DYING that I missed Genevieve's La Perla showcase last Tuesday. Zac Posen was there. SlavyD, I blame you.)

Olivia Palermo must have left before I even got there. I was "fashionably late" (hahah!) arriving after 9pm--sangria and food at Mexican Radio with T and D were just necessary. Really, wine and champagne without ANY food in my stomach...COULD YOU IMAGINE?! I'd probably make art of my own ...on those white walls. Ugh. 

Tim Blanks and Riley Vaill. I have a crush on Tim Blanks. shh.

Richard Chai and Poppy Delevinge. I really didn't know Richard Chai was this young.! I thought he was in the same age range as Phillip Lim! Silly me.  I also don't know when I gushed even more... when I met Philip Lim or Richard Chai...Asian designers steal my heart. (I need to meet Jason Wu. hook me up!)

Doc Lisa Airan. I'll be able to afford you someday...