Thursday, June 25, 2009

In London, back soon.

I'll write a post soon.
I'm living, loving London too much!

I leave you with this:
Me: What are you wearing tomorrow?
Kuan: Something fantastic.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Shopping is pretty serious business.

First of all, I had an excellent birthday. Thanks to all that wished me such wonderful things. You guys are such sweethearts. I, shockingly to many, spent it with just family--eating at Tournesol, my favorite French restaurant in NYC. Even though they changed their menu a bit since I've last been there. I miss the fried, breaded goat cheese on a bed of corn and beets--instead, now it comes with endives and walnuts. Not thhhatt tragic. But I warn you all. Be ready for the festivities going down this weekend.  

Inebriation. Surely. Lost of dignity. Definitely. 

Secondly, I cannot get over how much I love Allison Siminovsky. Who else would Google-Map our sample sale shopping extravaganza? 

View Shopping 18.6.09 in a larger map


oh, ps. LONDON on MONDAY. 

Friday, June 12, 2009

A little more LOVE, a little less HATE

Apparently, Alexa Chung spoke to Garance Dore about her love/hate relationship with Chanel.
How can one even hate Chanel? How?!

Everything about Chanel says love. 
Love. Love. LOVE. 

ps- I love/hate Alexa Chung. Tho, I only hate her because she is too perfect. Her effortless style. Her dating Alex Turner from the Arctic Monkeys (if you know me at all, you know they are my favorite band, and I once bid over $200 on Ebay to see them in London. Unfortunately, I still didn't win those tickets--damn, exchange rate!) Her designer clothes. And from what I gather in interviews and blogs...she sounds like a genuinely funny girl. 
It's not fair. 

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Coral--now that's what's up.

French personality, Alexandra Golovanoff in Gucci. This is impeccable color coordination. 
Loud, but ideal. 

Biker jacket, floral pants, gladiator heels. 

Way-farers. Flirty summery dress. Statement jewelry.
Can you go wrong?!

The mixture of the texture
and how she's posing for the picture
my eyes are a' fixture
(sad attempt to be cool. i might never be a G. tear.) 
but fo'serious, mad props for the different textures. trust me, its REALLY hard to do. 
especially the choice of textures in the photograph above. 
oh, and can we talk about how much of a Blake Lively look-alike this girl is? 
Whether that's a compliment or a diss...let's just leave that up in the air...

(pictures: altamira, lookbook, lookbook, lookbook)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

make me a supermodel finale!

this past Weds. was the season finale of Make Me a Supermodel on Bravo. I would say it's my guilty pleasure...but I don't feel guilty at all for watching it. I have to admit, I was an avid watcher since I discovered it in March..

And usually, I have some problem with the winner on Bravo shows (Project Runway, Top Chef) --i.e. it wasn't who i expected, it wasn't who i wanted to win, etc.

But, this show really hit the mark.

I correctly guessed Branden would win, and I wholeheartedly agree in the judges decision.

Though I have to admit, Jonathan really did win some points from me by being British, and being so sweet-caring towards his wife and child...I, honestly, must have "awwwwed" like a zillion times during the finale. His son is SO cute. (and wife, not so pretty--but i refuse to be a whattttevs..that's his biznazz not mine.)

listening to: Clark Gable by The Postal Service. an ode to men we've fantasize about...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I'm back....

hey all, 
hope you've been well. these few weeks I've been busy stressing over finals...and once I was done with those devilish things...I had to face the overwhelming reality of graduation. YAY. I know I've been stressing about it previously, but now, I'm SO excited about the future. The world is our oyster. (Gag. Too mushy. I know.)

Realization: I love graduation parties. It's refreshing. And pretty hardcore. 

Plans for the summer: I'm stoked.
I'm headed to Europa soon as I get back my passport..(it's been taking way too long...ugh.)

San Fran (hopefully!) 

Then I start work at Credit Suisse July 10! Can't wait. 

picture from Jezebel via Getty. I just loved the outfit. I realize it is totally unrelated to my post. But, whatevsssss. Biel is hot. The outfit is ....perfect.