Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Apparently "Bosh" means "Yes" in the world of one James France--from CS London. And I really like how it sounds, so I'm giving him some credit, and adapting it. 

... GOSH (harhar?), here I am totally missing the international CS kids who had been training in  New York. This is withdrawal. This reminds me of the days following those good old days of AIESEC conferences where I sat in my room, missing doing those ridiculous AIESEC dances, sharing outrageous stories...and regretting some things...that happened while under the influence. HA. But, this withdrawal, I have to admit, is a hundred times worse...given I spent 5 weeks with these international kids, and not just one....and that...we went out every night on my home turf...and that these international kids were just SO AMAZING--and very much on my wavelength. (not comparing AIESEC kids to these CS kids...i love them both...for very different reasons...) 

Getting to the office early in the morning when being out till the wee hours...and still managing to totally kick ass on the job. Hangovers had nothing on us. Oh, epic.

I really can't express into words how much I miss them. 
...even with the last week of drama.

So, now I'm planning another trip to London. 
because being a responsible addict, i will save up until i can afford my addiction. 
London + CS London kids + Kuan + Kuan's lattes, see you in November. 

Sunday, July 26, 2009

401 que pasa

haha, I hope you understood that VERY CORNY joke in the title

That is just a middle finger to being an adult. Being in the real world doesn't mean I can't be corny. 

So, training is over. And my first REAL JOB work week is dawning. HOLY MOLY. I'm a little nervous--but my manager is out of office until Thursday so I'll be shadowing the others in the group so I'm pretty sure it won't be so bad...and I'll get out by 5 nearly every day. Happy Hour anybody?

That's what the old June would say. 

The new June, on the other hand....says...I'm starting to study for the GMATs tomorrow so I'll be only going out on weekends. 

The new June also realizes that she has to get her 401k, Roth IRA, etc shit in order and promises to that as well.

Oh, wish this new June good luck on these responsibilities. and being an adult...in this REAL WORLD. yikes. 

Can't I just be a Toys-r-us kid...that eats Trix....

Thursday, July 9, 2009

NYC, i love you so.

In London, I realized my love for NYC...actually...my UNHEALTHY love for NYC. 

Most of you know, I love London. I love the vibe--the more care-free, yet sophisticated aura. I love the fashion sense: never in NYC have I met a man dressed to the nines, in an ivory suit, pink dress shirt and ivory hat. very British. (he was obviously drinking Pimm's!) I adore being able to drink in PARKS! and the list goes on...

But, during my 10 days in my beloved London, I missed my home sweet home. There are things that I just take for granted--24 hour public transportation, yellow cabs, and stores staying open late, especially during the summer. So when I had to wait for the nightbus, because the tube stops working at midnight, I wished I were in NYC, hailing a yellow cab. 

So, today, I spent my day in the city--what is more New York than a Spa day followed by some shopping on 5th ave? And as I walked along 5th ave, dropping by Bendels (missing the Carebear SOOOO MUCH!), I felt justified in my love for New York. 

This is my home. And I can love it as much as I want to. 

LOVE AFFAIR WITH NYC, please do not disturb. 

(seriously, I don't want to seem too dramatic about not being able to live anywhere but NYC, but it's really true. BUT....i do love london ...to visit.) 

Thursday, June 25, 2009

In London, back soon.

I'll write a post soon.
I'm living, loving London too much!

I leave you with this:
Me: What are you wearing tomorrow?
Kuan: Something fantastic.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Shopping is pretty serious business.

First of all, I had an excellent birthday. Thanks to all that wished me such wonderful things. You guys are such sweethearts. I, shockingly to many, spent it with just family--eating at Tournesol, my favorite French restaurant in NYC. Even though they changed their menu a bit since I've last been there. I miss the fried, breaded goat cheese on a bed of corn and beets--instead, now it comes with endives and walnuts. Not thhhatt tragic. But I warn you all. Be ready for the festivities going down this weekend.  

Inebriation. Surely. Lost of dignity. Definitely. 

Secondly, I cannot get over how much I love Allison Siminovsky. Who else would Google-Map our sample sale shopping extravaganza? 

View Shopping 18.6.09 in a larger map


oh, ps. LONDON on MONDAY. 

Friday, June 12, 2009

A little more LOVE, a little less HATE

Apparently, Alexa Chung spoke to Garance Dore about her love/hate relationship with Chanel.
How can one even hate Chanel? How?!

Everything about Chanel says love. 
Love. Love. LOVE. 

ps- I love/hate Alexa Chung. Tho, I only hate her because she is too perfect. Her effortless style. Her dating Alex Turner from the Arctic Monkeys (if you know me at all, you know they are my favorite band, and I once bid over $200 on Ebay to see them in London. Unfortunately, I still didn't win those tickets--damn, exchange rate!) Her designer clothes. And from what I gather in interviews and blogs...she sounds like a genuinely funny girl. 
It's not fair. 

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Coral--now that's what's up.

French personality, Alexandra Golovanoff in Gucci. This is impeccable color coordination. 
Loud, but ideal. 

Biker jacket, floral pants, gladiator heels. 

Way-farers. Flirty summery dress. Statement jewelry.
Can you go wrong?!

The mixture of the texture
and how she's posing for the picture
my eyes are a' fixture
(sad attempt to be cool. i might never be a G. tear.) 
but fo'serious, mad props for the different textures. trust me, its REALLY hard to do. 
especially the choice of textures in the photograph above. 
oh, and can we talk about how much of a Blake Lively look-alike this girl is? 
Whether that's a compliment or a diss...let's just leave that up in the air...

(pictures: altamira, lookbook, lookbook, lookbook)